Cash, Speed & Details in Strategy Execution and new Insights

We have a strong cash flow orientation. Indeed when the cash is a scarce resource, when the time frame to transform a company is short, when the highly geared balance sheet puts additional financial pressure and when debts repayments terms and covenants are clear to all,

then wasting time and money is not an option anymore.

SPEED, cash management, good decisions and appropriate focus make the difference. Therefore:

  • Waste money with wrong investments
  • Tie up cash in AR or inventories
  • Delay important action plans
  • Miss opportunities or fail with must-win battles
  • Make mistakes with the strategy execution

jeopardizes the speed and success of any operational and strategic transformation.

When it comes to put immediately the company on the profitable growth path, to drive change at fast pace, to transform and develop a business quickly, then managing and minimizing risks becomes absolute priorities and we have a unique and very effective approach to make it work.